

Warhorn Rumchata Horchata Cocktail

Warhorn’s Cowboy Cocktail

Warhorn Roasted Peach Lemonade Cocktail

Warhorn Cherry Julep Cocktail

Warhorn Whiskey

Moonshine Manhattan Cocktail

The Appalachian Freeze Cocktail






Sweetwater Mule

2 oz. Virginia Sweetwater Moonshine

4-6 oz. Ginger Beer

1/4 Fresh Lime

Squeeze lime into Collins glass and drop into glass. Add 2-3 large ice cubes then pour in the Sweetwater Moonshine and Ginger Beer.

Sweetwater Tea

1 oz. Sweetwater Moonshine

8 oz. Sweetened Iced Tea

Juice of one-quarter Lemon

 Mix together over ice in a highball glass and garnish with a wedge of lemon.

War Horn & Cola

1 oz. War Horn Whisky

8 oz. Cola

Wedge of Lime

Combine over cubed ice in an old fashioned glass.

Sweetwater Margarita

1 oz. Sweetwater Moonshine

1 oz. Lime Juice

1 oz Triple Sec

1 oz Simple Syrup

Mix ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice. Serve in a coupe glass with salt and sugar on rim of glass.

War Horn & 7

1 oz. War Horn Whisky

8 oz. 7-Up Soda

Mix over ice in a highball glass.

The Sweetwater

2 oz. Sweetwater Moonshine

Twist of Lemon

Pour over ice into an old fashioned glass and garnish with a twist of lemon.

Sound The War Horns

2 oz. War Horn Whisky

In an old fashioned glass, serve over ice.

True Dew

1 oz. Sweetwater Moonshine

8 oz. Mountain Dew

Pour over ice into a tall glass and enjoy.

Sweet Margaret Mary

1 oz. Sweetwater Moonshine

8 oz. Bloody Mary Mix

Salt, Pepper, Dash of Worcestershire

Lime Twist, Olives and/or Celery

Mix and pour over ice in a tall glass

Apple ‘Shine-tini

In a  chilled Shaker with whole ice cubes add:

1 oz. of Shiners’ Gold

1 oz. of Apple Pie Moonshine

Shake until cold then pour into a chilled Martini Glass

Garnish with Whipped Cream and Cinnamon

The Perfect Storm

2 ozs. of War Horn Whisky

1 oz. +/- of Cranberry Juice

Splash of Rose’s Lime Juice

Agitate in Shaker  then Pour over crushed ice or ice ball in old fashioned glass

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